Florent Koechlin's personal webpage 🇫🇷 🇬🇧
Florent Koechlin
CNRS researcher
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord
Office A105
Institut Galilée – Université Paris 13
99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
93430 Villetaneuse
MPRI course
If you do not have access to the course materials, please send me an email (even the day before the exam).
Academic path
- 01/10/2023-now : CNRS researcher at LIPN
- 01/02/2022-30/09/2023 : postdoc at LORIA
- 01/09/21-31/01/22 : ATER (Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant) in Computer Science at Université de Paris
- 2018-2021 : Ph.D. student
- 2017 : admitted to the national agrégation of Mathematics
- 2014-2018 : "Normalien" Student at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Double degree in Computer Science and Mathematics, Master 2 of Mathematics to prepare the agrégation, Master 1 and 2 of the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science
I was a postdoc at LORIA, in Nancy, from February 1st 2022 to September 30th 2023, under the supervision of Mathilde Bouvel, Valentin FĂ©ray and Xavier Goaoc. I have worked on the combinatorics of order types in discrete geometry.
I completed my thesis at LIGM, at the Gustave Eiffel University (former Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée University), under the supervision of Arnaud Carayol and Cyril Nicaud.
My thesis is entitled Systems of holonomic functions : application to automata theory.
I defended my thesis on Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 2pm.
Thesis manuscript (written in french)
My thesis was awarded the 2022 thesis prize of Université Paris-Est, and an accessit for the 2022 Gilles Kahn thesis prize.
Conference Proceedings
Journal versions
- Florent Koechlin et Pablo Rotondo. Analysis of an efficient reduction algorithm for random regular
expressions based on universality detection.
Submitted to Theory of Computing Systems (TCS), as CSR'21 special issue.
2022 Mines de Nancy
- 1A Algorithms and complexity (16h)
2021-2022 ATER at Université de Paris
- L1 Indroduction to OS (55.68h)
- L2 Project management (12h)
2018-2021 Teaching at Université Gustave Eiffel
- L3 Databases (14h)
- L1 Web Programming (24h)
- DUT 1 Introduction to algorithms and programming (Python) (30h)
- ESIPE 1 Databases (16h)
- L2 Tree Algorithms in C (24h)
- L2 Databases (48h)
- L2 Tree Algorithms in C (24h)