Sunday 4 July
17:00-19:30 Registration in Refugio Residence
19:30  Welcome Cocktail in Refugio Residence
Monday 5 July
8:00-8:30 Registration in S. Chiara College
8:30-8:45 Welcome
8:45-9:30 Plenary lecture: Some new self-avoiding walk and polygon models, A.Guttmann
  Chair session:  Srecko Brlek
9:30-9:50 Lattice path enumeration and Toeplitz matrices, S. Felsner, D. Heldt
9:55-10:15 Lattice path enumeration related to a paper by Hahrand Ringel, H. Prodinger
10:20-10:40 SLK-tilings obtained from lattice path enumeration, F. Bergeron, C. Reutenauer, A. Rodriguez
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 - 11:35 Binary words avoiding a pattern and marked succession rule, S. Bilotta, D. Merlini, E. Pergola, R. Pinzani
11:40 - 12:00 Lattice path enumeration for 321-avoiding permutations with further restrictions, M. Inuma, M. Hagiwara, M. Tomie
12:05 - 12:25 Local move connectedness of matchings of lattices with extra edges, F. Nakano, T. Sadahiro
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
  Chair session:  Robert Cori
14:00 - 14:20 Every polyomino yields at most two square tilings, A. Blondin Massé, S.Brlek, A. Garon, S. Làbbé
14:25 - 14:45 Generalized tilings and Plucker cluster algebras, V. I. Danilov, A. V. Karzanov, G. A. Koshevoy
14:50 - 15:10 The uplift principle and new applications of the Riordan group, L. Shapiro
15:15 - 15:35 Explicit formulas for a sequence of binary tree polynomials, M. D'Adderio, A. M. Garsia
15:40 - 16:00 On the distributions of absorbed particles in crossing a field containing absorption points, C. Charalambides
16:05 - 16:35 Coffee break
16:35 - 16:55 On the number of collisions for the balls – and –urns problem with unequal probabilities, T. Nakata
17:00 - 17:20 On simsum and double simsun permutations avoiding a pattern of length three, W.-C. Chuang, S.-P. Eu, T.- S. Fu, Y.-J. Pan
17:25 - 17:45 Special Riordan arrays with lattice path interpretations, G.-S. Cheon, H. Kim
17:50-18:10 Half-lattice paths and virasoro characters, O. B. Fournier, P Mathieu, T. A. Welsh

Banquet in Refugio Residence


Tuesday 6 July

  Chair session:  Charalambos Charalambides
9:00 - 9:20 Non directed lattice paths on different lattices, C. Banderier
9:25 - 9:45 On lattice paths and open problems in automata theory, C. Haase, J. Ouaknine, J. Worrell
9:50 - 10:10 Visits to level r by Dyck paths, C. Brennan, S. Mavhungu
10:15-10:35 Strings in Dyck paths, K. Manes, A. Sapounakis, I. Tasoulas, P. Tsikouras
10:40 – 11:10 Coffee break
11:10 - 11:30 Counting strings in Ballot paths, S. Sullivan
11:35 - 11:55 Flip graphs, hyperplane arrangements and tableaux, R. M. Adin, Y. Roichman
12:00 - 12:20 Asymptotics for walks in a Weyl chamber of type b with a free end point, T. Feierl
12:25 - 12:45 A generating function for totally symmetric plane partitions (TSPPs) with self-conjugate main diagonal, A. Blecher
12:50-14:20 Lunch
  Chair session:  Helmut Prodinger
14:20 - 14:40 Generating functions for bi-wall directed polygons, S. Feretic
14:45 -15:05 Generating functions of embedded trees and lattice paths, M. Kuba
15:10-15:30 Enumeration of specific classes of polycubes, J.M. Champarnaud, J.P. Dubernard, H. Jeanne
15:35-15:55 Variation statistics on compositions, M. Archibald, A. Knopfmacher, T. Mansour.
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 POSTER SESSION (Poster list at the end of this program)
19:00 Football Match
21:00 Typical Dinner in “Orto dei Pecci” (not included in the registration fee)          
Wednesday 7 July
  Chair session:  Luis Shapiro
9:00-9:20   Bijective counting of involutive Baxter permutations, E. Fusy
9:25-9:45 On the number of cycles of the product of two cyclic permutations, R. Cori, M. Marcus, G. Schaeffer
9:50-10:10 Notes on the Inverse Motzkin Matrix, H. Niederhausen
10:15-10:35 Unrepetitive paths in Cayley digraphs and the repetition threshold, A.Carpi
10:40-11:10     Coffee break
11:10-11:30 On weakly intersecting pairs of sets, Z. Kirly, Z. L. Nagy, D. Plvlgyi, M. Visontai
11:35-11:55 Some remarks on Rothe numbers ( aka generalized Catalan numbers ), W. Panny
12:00-12:20 A representation theorem for holonomic sequences, T. Kotek, J.A. Makowsky
12:25-12:45 On Kemp's confluent q-Chu-Vandermonde hypergeometric distributions and the associated q-meixner orthogonal polynomials, A. Kyriakoussis, M. Vamvakari
12:50 Works closure
13:30 Lunch in “La finestra” Restaurant (not included in the registration fee)
On a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for r samples counting paths in alcoves of affine Weyl groups, W. Boehm, K. Hornik
Asymptotic behaviour for the Kemp's confluent q-Chu-Vandermonde hypergeometric distributions, A. Kyriakoussis, M. Vamvakari
Semi-online machine cover in gunder a grade of service provision, Y. Wu, Q. Yang
Generator sets for the alternating group, A. Rotbart
Some simple bijections involving lattice walks and ballot sequences, M. A.A. vanLeeuwen
Bijections between lattice path and plane partitions, M. Alegri, E.H.M. Brietzke, J.P.O. Santos, R. Silva
Some graphs in C_f2 based on f-coloring, A. Adiwijaya, O. Serra, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, E.T. Baskoro
Discrete analytic functions in complex spaces and Taylor expansion, O. Danilov, A. Mednykh
Lattice based A – isomorphism and its applications, S.-E. Han
Boys-and-girls birthdays and Hadamard products, O. Bodini, D. Gardy, O. Roussel
Stochastic stability of maximal independent sets, L. Boncinelli, P. Pin
Permutations tiling the plane, A. Blondin-Massé, A. Frosini, S. Rinaldi, L. Vuillon