Catherine Recanati


Although I am mostly involved in artificial intelligence, cognitive science and linguisitics, I still keep interests for other domains such as the semantics of programming languages, programming environments and graphical interfaces. See my French research page for more information.


Recent Activities


Research activities interrupted from 1996 to 2001 (for health reasons)

Students supervisions

- Adel ben Mertah research training course (LIPN, 2009) on the specification of a pseudo natural language with spatial (and/or temporal) expressions for an interactive and multimodal man-machine dialogue (description.pdf).
- Supervision of the Master research training course of Nicoleta Rogovschi (in cooperation with Y. Bennani) on Unsupervised learning techniques applied to text mining, April-Sep. 2006. (report.pdf).
- Jord Novion research training course (DEA at LIPN, Paris 13 University, April-Sept. 1995 ) on The use of iconic representations in inferential systems.
- Karim Benchabane research training course (DEA at LIPN, Paris 13 University, April-Sept. 1995) on Aspectual representations in Discourse Representation Theory, based on the work of Carlotta Smith.
- Thesis of Yong-Hong Chen (LRI-NSL) on syntax directed editing (from 1989 to 1991).
- Yong-Hong Chen research training course (DEA at LRI, Paris 11 University) on An abstract syntax tree editor, in 1988.

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