Catherine Recanati
- Diagrammatic representations: cognitive, logical and computational characteristics of diagrammatic representations and hybrid inferential systems
- Natural language semantics : time and space representation, lexical categorization, information extraction
Although I am mostly involved in artificial intelligence, cognitive science and linguisitics, I still keep interests for other domains such as the semantics of programming languages, programming environments and graphical interfaces. See my French research page for more information.
Recent Activities
- member of the Editorial Board of JAGI (Journal of Artificial General Intelligence)
- Journées de Rochebrune 2009 (01/19-23/09): Ontologie et dynamique des systèmes complexes, perspectives interdisciplinaires, "Intérêt des représentations iconiques et des systèmes de représentations hybrides (SRH) pour la modélisation des interactions entre ontologies", slides
- Project PEPS "Relations" (2008)
- Conference AGI-08 (03/2008): "Hybrid Reasoning and the Future of Iconic Representations" google video
Communication (01/28/2008): "Temps et Aspect : utilisation de techniques d’apprentissage numérique pour la catégorisation des enchaînements de verbes dans les phrases d’un récit", seminar "Temporalité: Typologie et Acquisition" (temptypac, CNRS Federation "Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques", Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage - CNRS/Paris 8)
- Communication (12/11/2007): "Raisonnement diagrammatique: caractéristiques générales et analyse du cas du MasterMind", seminar "La leçon de dessin" of the Jean-Nicod Institute (IJN), CNRS-EHESS-ENS.
- Conference LTC'07 "The structure of verbal sequences analyzed with unsupervised learning techniques" (work in collaboration with N. Rogovschi and Y. Bennani) selected among the best papers for post-publication in 2009.
- (since 2004) member of the GDR 'Sémantique et Modélisation' ('Temps & Aspect' Research group)
- guest in the Workshop Art & Cognition of
- Project PEPS "Relations" (2008)
- Project LIPN/Numsight WebMining, 2001-2002.
Research activities interrupted from 1996 to 2001 (for health reasons)
- Project CogniSeine CREA/LIPN/DASSAULT Aviation. Cognitive modeling of time and space representations in natural language production and understanding, 1993-96.
- Project CNET/LIPN. Using reformulation strategies to increase the conviviality of interactive system in natural language, 1993.
- European Esprit project STAPLE (Project Manager for NSL). Specification and implementation of a (graphical) syntax directed editor for a typed functional language very close to Miranda. The final system called Absynthe was able to generate such editors from abstract and concrete syntax specifications - including graphical pretty printing specifications, 1987-90.
- European Esprit project CHAMELEON. Design of a system allowing the migration of (active) processes on a Unix machines network.
- Ergonomic specifications for Wish, an iconic UNIX Shell developed by NSL (for Atari), 1988-1990.
Students supervisions- Adel ben Mertah research training course (LIPN, 2009) on the specification of a pseudo natural language with spatial (and/or temporal) expressions for an interactive and multimodal man-machine dialogue (description.pdf).
- Supervision of the Master research training course of Nicoleta Rogovschi (in cooperation with Y. Bennani) on Unsupervised learning techniques applied to text mining, April-Sep. 2006. (report.pdf).
- Jord Novion research training course (DEA at LIPN, Paris 13 University, April-Sept. 1995 ) on The use of iconic representations in inferential systems.
- Karim Benchabane research training course (DEA at LIPN, Paris 13 University, April-Sept. 1995) on Aspectual representations in Discourse Representation Theory, based on the work of Carlotta Smith.
- Thesis of Yong-Hong Chen (LRI-NSL) on syntax directed editing (from 1989 to 1991).
- Yong-Hong Chen research training course (DEA at LRI, Paris 11 University) on An abstract syntax tree editor, in 1988.