Ph.D student in Probabilities, Combinatorics, and Discrete Geometry

LAGA (Team Probabilités et Statistiques) and LIPN (Team Combinatoire, Algorithmique et Interaction)


PREPRINT - Asymptotic number of zonotopes

We asymptotically estimate the number of zonotopes in given hypercube in any dimension, and give statistics on the length of their graph.

PREPRINT - Fluctuations of lattice zonotopes and polygons

In dimension 2, for large random convex lattice polygons contained in a square, we prove that the boundary fluctuations tend to a 2-D Brownian bridge and a drift term that is a random cubic curve.

PREPRINT - Many equiprojective polytopes

We prove a lower bound on the number of combinatorial types of equiprojective polytopes, setting the bound from a linear one to an exponential one.

Teaching - Enseignements

2017 - 2018

Khôlles de Mathématiques MP Lycée Sainte Marie d'Antony

2020 - 2021

Algèbre 1, Analyse 2 (Licence 1 Mathématiques),
Analyse 4 (Licence 2 Mathématiques).

2021 - 2022

Algèbre 1 (Licence 1 Mathématiques),
Proba-Stat-ADD (Licences 3 Informatiques).