Université Paris-Nord LIPN :  CALIN CNRS


Journals (* pour audience nationale)

  1. O. Bodini, B. Gittenberger, Z. Golebiewski, "Enumerating Lambda Terms by Weighted Length of Their De Bruijn Representation" in Discrete Applied Mathematics (2018) to appear
  2. O. Bodini, Danièle Gardy, B. Gittenberger, Z. Golebiewski, "On the number of unary-binary tree-like structures with restrictions on the unary height" in Annals of Combinatorics, to appear (2018)
  3. A. Bacher, O. Bodini, H-K Hwang, T-H Tsai, "Generating Random Permutations by Coin Tossing : Classical Algorithms, New Analysis, and Modern Implementation" in ACM Trans. Algorithms 13(2) : 24 :1-24 :43 (2017)
  4. Axel Bacher, Olivier Bodini, Alice Jacquot: Efficient random sampling of binary and unary-binary trees via holonomic equations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 695: 42-53 (2017)
  5. O. Bodini, A. Genitrini, N. Rolin : "Extended boxed product and application to synchronized trees" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 59 : 189-202 (2017)
  6. O. Bodini, A. Genitrini, F. Peschanski, "A Quantitative Study of Pure Parallel Processes.", Electr. J. Comb. 23(1) : P1.11 (2016)
  7. O. Bodini, D. Gardy, B. Gittenberger, A. Jacquot. "Enumeration of Generalized BCI Lambda-terms". Electr. J. Comb. 20(4): P30 (2013)
  8. O. Bodini, D. Gardy, A. Jacquot. "Asymptotics and random sampling for BCI and BCK lambda terms". Theor. Comput. Sci. 502: 227-238 (2013)
  9. O. Bodini, A. Jacquot. "Boltzmann samplers for v-balanced cycles". Theor. Comput. Sci. 502: 55-63 (2013)
  10. O. Bodini, O. Roussel, M. Soria. "Boltzmann samplers for first-order differential specifications". Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM) 160(18):2563-2572 (2012)
  11. O. Bodini, D. Gardy, O. Roussel. "Boys-and-girls Birthdays and Hadamard Products". Fundam. Inform. (FUIN) 117(1-4):85-101 (2012)
  12. O. Bodini, T. Fernique, M. Rao, E. Rémila. "Distances on rhombus tilings." Theor. Comput. Sci. (TCS) 412(36):4787-4794 (2011)
  13. O. Bodini, É. Fusy, C. Pivoteau. "Random Sampling of Plane Partitions". Combinatorics, Probability & Computing (CPC) 19(2):201-226 (2010)
  14. O. Bodini, T. Fernique, E. Rémila. "A characterization of flip-accessibility for rhombus tilings of the whole plane". Inf. Comput. (IANDC) 206(9-10):1065-1073 (2008)
  15. O. Bodini and D. Jamet. "Tiling a pyramidal polycube with dominoes", Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science DMTCS vol. 9:2, 241-254 (2007)
  16. O. Bodini and E. Remila. "On edge tricolorations of triangulations of simply connected surfaces", Theor. Comput. Sci. 319(1-3): 59-70 (2004).
  17. O. Bodini and M. Latapy. * "Generalized tilings with height functions", 19 pages. In, Morfismos (7), (2003).
  18. O. Bodini, P. Duchet and S. Lefranc. * "Autour d'un théorème d'Erdös sur les combinaisons à coefficients + ou -1 des premiers carrés", Revue de l'enseignement supérieur p. 3-8.(2001)
  19. In proceedings

    1. Maciej Bendkowski, Olivier Bodini, Sergey Dovgal : "Polynomial tuning of multiparametric combinatorial samplers" ANALCO 2018 : 92-106
    2. O. Bodini, M. Dien, A. Genitrini, F. Peschanski : "The Ordered and Colored Products in Analytic Combinatorics : Application to the Quantitative Study of Synchronizations in Concurrent Processes" ANALCO 2017 : 16-30
    3. O. Bodini, M. Dien, A. Genitrini, F. Peschanski : "Entropic Uniform Sampling of Linear Extensions in Series-Parallel Posets" CSR 2017 : 71- 84
    4. O. Bodini, D. Julien, Ph. Marchal, "Random-Bit Optimal Uniform Sampling for Rooted Planar Trees with Given Sequence of Degrees and Applications." CALDAM 2016, 97-114
    5. O. Bodini, M. Dien, X. Fontaine, A. Genitrini, H.-K. Hwang, "Increasing Diamonds." LATIN 2016, 207-219
    6. O. Bodini, A. Genitrini, F. Peschanski and N. Rolin "Associativity for Binary Parallel Processes: a Quantitative Study" (CALDAM'15), Proceedings of the Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2015
    7. O. Bodini, J. Lumbroso, N. Rolin "Analytic Samplers and the Combinatorial Rejection Method". (ANALCO'15), Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics. 2015
    8. O. Bodini, A. Genitrini. "Cuts in increasing trees". (ANALCO'15), Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics. 2015
    9. O. Bodini, A. Genitrini and N. Rolin "Pointed versus Singular Boltzmann Samplers". (GASCom'14), Bertinoro, Italie. 2014
    10. O. Bodini, A. Jacquot "Random Sampling of Balanced Words on 2n Letters". (GASCom'14), Bertinoro, Italie. 2014
    11. O. Bodini, B. Gittenberger. "On the asymptotic number of BCK(2)-terms". (ANALCO'14), Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics. 2014, p25-39
    12. O. Bodini, A. Genitrini, F. Peschanski. "The Combinatorics of Non-determinism". (FSTTSC'13), Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Guwahati, Inde, December 2013.
    13. O. Bodini, P. Duchon, A. Jacquot, L. Mutafchief. "Asymptotic Analysis and Random Sampling of Digitally Convex Polyominoes". (DGCI'13), Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Elsevier, Seville, Espagne, Marsh 2013.
    14. A. Bacher, O. Bodini, A. Jacquot. "Exact-size Sampling for Motzkin Trees in Linear Time via Boltzmann Samplers and Holonomic Specification". The SIAM Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO'13), New Orleans, USA, January 2013.
    15. C. Banderier, O. Bodini, Y. Ponty et H. Tafat Bouzid. "Biodiversity of pattern distributions in combinatorial ecosystems". The SIAM Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO'12) , pages 107-115, Kyoto, Japan, January 2012. siam.omnibooksonline.com/2012ANALCO.
    16. O. Bodini et J. Lumbroso. "Dirichlet random samplers for multiplicative combinatorial structures". The SIAM Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO'12), pages 92-106, Kyoto, Japan, January 2012. siam.omnibooksonline.com/2012ANALCO.
    17. O. Bodini, A. Génitrini et F. Peschanski. "Enumeration and random generation of concurrent computations". 23rd International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (Aofa'12) , Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings, pages 83-96, Montréal, Canada, June 2012.
    18. O. Bodini, G. Moroz et H. Tafat. "Infinite boltzmann samplers and applications to branching processes". 8th edition of the conference GASCom on random generation of combinatorial structures (GASCom'12) , Bordeaux, France, Juin 2012.
    19. O. Bodini, D. Gardy, B. Gittenberger. "Lambda terms of bounded unary height". Eighth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO'11), pages 23-32, (2011)
    20. O. Bodini, and Y. Ponty. "Multi-dimensional Boltzmann Sampling of Languages". Proceedings of (Aofa'10), Autriche, pages 49-64, 2010
    21. O. Bodini, Th. Fernique, D. Regnault. "Stochastic flips on two-letter words" (ANALCO'10), Austin, Etats-Unis, janvier 2010.
    22. O. Bodini, Th. Fernique, D. Regnault. "Crystallization by stochastic flips". (APERIODIC'09), Liverpool, Angleterre, septembre 2009.
    23. O. Bodini, J. Lumbroso. "Optimal Partial Tiling of Manhattan Polyominoes", Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI'09), Lectures for Computer Science, pp. 79-91, (Springer) (2009)
    24. O. Bodini, A. Darrasse and M. Soria (2008) ``Distances in random Apollonian network structures'', (FPSAC'08), Valparaiso-Vina del Mar, Chile, DMTCS proc. AJ, 2008, 307-318.
    25. O. Bodini, T. Fernique and E. Rémila (2007) "Characterizations of Flip-Accessibility for Domino-Tilings of the Whole Plane". In FPSAC International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics.
    26. O. Bodini and S. Lefranc (2006) "How to Tile by Dominoes the Boundary of a Polycube". In DGCI Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Elsevier.
    27. O. Bodini and E. Rivals (2006) ``Tiling an Interval of the Discrete Line.'', 10 pages, In CPM Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching.
    28. O. Bodini and T. Fernique (2006) "Planar Dimer Tilings" (International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2006).
    29. O. Bodini and B. Nouvel (2004) ``Z-Tiling and Grobner Basis'', 10 pages, In IWCIA International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis.
    30. O. Bodini (2003) ``Tiling a rectangle with polyominoes'', 10p, In DMCS Discrete Models for Complex Systems..
    31. O. Bodini and E. Remila (2003) ``On edge tricolorations of triangulations of simply connected surfaces'', FPSAC'03, 10 pages.
    32. O. Bodini (2003) ``Tilings on the butterfly lattice'', EuroComb'03, 6 pages, p55-60.
    33. O. Bodini (2002) ``On the minimum size of a contraction universal tree'', 10 pages. WG, International Workshop on Graph.
    34. O. Bodini (2001) ``Tiling a Manhattan polyomino with bars'', euroCOMB'01, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics vol. 10 (2001) 4 pages.
    35. Phd thesis

      1. Olivier Bodini. Autour de la génération aléatoire sous modèle de Boltzmann. Habilitation à diriger des recherches. LIP6, UPMC.  2011.
      2. Thèse en Mathématiques intitulée "Approches combinatoire et algébrique de problèmes de pavages" (nov 1999).