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Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 18 avril 2023 à 11h00 en B405, Éric Brunet nous parlera de : Refined large deviation results for the rightmost position in a branching Brownian motion (séminaire de proba du LAGA)

Résumé : The rightmost particle in a branching Brownian motion at time t is, with high probability, around position 2t3/2lnt. The probability that it lies around position ct with c>2 is exponentially small with time, with a rate which is known since Chauvin Rouault (1989). We investigate the details of these large deviations, using as a starting point an intriguing relation between the quantity we consider and the median position of the rightmost particle.

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