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Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 28 janvier 2020 à 10h30 en A108, Gérard Duchamp nous parlera de : One-parameter groups and combinatorial physics

Résumé : In this talk, we consider the normal ordering of operators of the type Ω=α+β=rcα,β(a+)αa(a+)β,  α,β,r integers where a (resp. a+) is a boson annihilation (resp. creation) operator; these satisfy [a,a+]aa+a+a=1, and for the purposes of this presentation may be thought of as ad/dx and a+x. We discuss the integration of the one-parameter groups eλΩ and their combinatorial by-products. In particular we show how these groups can be realized as groups of substitutions with prefactor functions. To end with, we provide a recent application of the concept one-parameter groups to arithmetics.

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