Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 02 avril 2019 à 14h00 en B107, Nicolas Curien nous parlera de : Critical parking on a random tree... and random planar maps!

Résumé : Imagine a plane tree together with a configuration of particles (cars) at each vertex. Each car tries to park on its node, and if the latter is occupied, it moves downward towards the root trying to find an empty slot. This model has been studied recently by Bruner and Panholzer as well as Goldschmidt and Przykicki where is it shown that parking of all cars obeys a phase transition ruled by the density of cars. We study the annealed critical model of random plane tree together with a parking configuration of cars. Surprisingly this object is connected to stable looptre e of parameter 3/2 and to processes encountered in the theory of random planar maps! The talk is based on ongoing work with Olivier Hénard.

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