Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 03 juillet 2018 à 11h30 en B405, Paulina Cecchi nous parlera de : Dendric words and dendric subshifts

Résumé : To every factor w of an infinite word x in a finite alphabet, we can associate a bipartite graph, called the extension graph of w, in which one puts edges between left and right copies of letters a, b such that awb is a factor of x. The word x is said to be dendric if for all factor w of x, the extension graph of w is a tree. Dendric words are therefore defined in terms of combinatorial properties of their language. Dendric subshifts are symbolic systems defined using dendric words. We will talk about some dynamical properties of dendric subshifts.


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