Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 09 décembre 2016 à 16h00 en Amphi Copernic, Quoc Hoan Ngo nous parlera de : Double regularization of polyzetas at negative multi-indices and rational extensions (soutenance de thèse)

Résumé : In this PhD thesis are studied the polylogarithms and the harmonic sums at non-positive (i.e., weakly negative) multi-indices. General results about these objects in relation with Hopf algebras are pr ovided. The technics exploited here are based on the combinatorics of noncommmutative generating series relative to the Hopf phi-huffle algebra. Our work will also propose a global process to renormalize divergent polyzetas. Finally, we will apply these ideas to non-linear dynamical systems with singular inputs.

The jury will be composed of: Gérard Duchamp, Hoang Ngoc Minh (directeurs), Sylvie Paycha, Dominique Manchon (rapporteurs), Karol Penson, Vincent Rivasseau, Loic Foissy, Christophe Tollu.

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