[Please use the nocard-formular if you do not want to pay by credit card"]
Registration fees include participation to conference, coffee breaks, cocktail, the conference dinner, a guided tour of the Musée du Louvre, and a copy of the proceedings:
Early registration : 140 euros (85 euros for students, copy of student card required)
If you want an extra ticket for conference the conference dinner, you have to add 45 euros for each accompanying person.
After August 25th, registrations fees will be 200 euros (and 100 euros for students). Please email us if you intend to attend only partially, or if you won't attend to the conference dinner or to the social program. If you want to register several people from the same lab, also contact us.
You can now proceed to the registration:
[Please use the nocard-formular
if you do not want to pay by credit card"]
In case of problems, you can contact Cyril.Banderier at inria.fr