Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 08 octobre 2021 à 11h00 en visioconférence, Gérard Duchamp nous parlera de : CCRT[31] Categorical aspects of Lazard's elimination theorems

Résumé : Semi-direct products can be seen as solutions of universal problems (see Andreas Thom's answer in MO96078 [1]) by means of ``structures acting on structures''. On the other hand Lazard's elimination theorems (Lie groups, Lie algebras and monoids) can be thought as byproducts of ``alphabets acting on codes''.
In this talk, we will illustrate (and prove some lemmas) about the tight link between these two concepts.

[1] MO96078: Are semidirect products categorical-colimits ?


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